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Guys!! Guys!! *BUTTWIGGLE* 😜💜😜💜😜💜

Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! It is nice to see your faceparts, plus CHECK THIS OUT: 

Me plus Mirabelle could hardly even stay in the Dreamingplace onna 'count of what we founded in our mailinbox yesterdaytimes!! Can you see!!?? It is a letterlope that is all PINKY and stuff PLUS.......


Isn't this 'citing and everythings!!?? IKNOW!! 'Course that means it is times for a 'nother episode of......


Sure is!! So let's get right down to tacky brassparts, K? K!! Firstofalls, we are gonna have a real good looksee at this PINKY LETTERLOPE!! Yes!! So skootch in real close and stuff, guys!! ............


It says "THE BRINDLEBUNCH" right onnit and stuff, guys!! That means it is for me plus Mirabelle plus Mum plus Pop!! Hee hee!! Let's see what is in the insideparts too, K? K!! ................

Ha ha!! Sooperfun!! 

It is totally a howdycard with some teensy pugslypals making a squishyface cozypile!! 

I luvluvlove it!! Mirabelle too!! Now is the times for seeing who sended it and stuff!! ...........


It is a VALENTIMES HOWDYCARD from our 'mazing friendlyfriend ROBINPARKER plus her whole, entire familypack, guys!! Truestory for reals she just sended us our shinynew sweatershirts too, 'member!!?? I can't even hardly bleeve it!! So soopernice!! .....................

Great googilymoogily, Robinparker!! You did so much for us alreadytimes!! You sure know how to punch us right in the emotions and stuff!! 

Plus that 'minds me: I am thinkingthoughts We were supposed to wait 'till Valentimesday to open our sweatershirts, plus I totally forgotted from alla the 'citement!! Seriousface!! So from me plus Mirabelle plus Mum plus Pop, sorry 'bout opening our sweatershirts too early and stuff, BUTT..... we are real luckyducklings that we have bad memorings 'cuz it has been crazybananas chillybilly 'round here, plus our shinynew sweatershirts have been PERFECTAL!! Yes!! So shanksh to you for everythings plus a gigantical shanksh with extra HappyHeartHugs for being such a sooper'mazing friendlyfriend, K? K!! It means lots'nlots to everybuddy in the Brindlebunch!! 

H💜 H💜 H💜

Golly!! I am having alla the e'motions and stuff, butt let's have a looksee at this........

...Boxalope!! Mirabelle you are not even waiting and stuff!! .......

Wowzers, guys!! Can you see!!?? 

Looks like this boxalope has a whole buncha stuffs innit!! I am not even joshing!! ...............

WHOA!! plus WOWZERS!! plus GOLLY!! 😜💜

Lookit it all, guys!! I don't even know what to point my lookingmarbles at firstest!! Let's take it all out real careful-like so we can get a real good looksee, K? K!! ....................

I can't even hardly BLEEVE it, everybuddy!! 😜💜

So much 'mazing stuffs to check out!! Okeedoke!! My brainmelon says we should start with the letterlope that has a puppy picturestory onnit!! Yes!! Thatways we can find out who sended alla this 'mazing awesomeness!! Let's do it!! .......................

Hee hee!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜

It totally says it is "PUP-MAIL" for me plus Mirabelle, guys!! Plus lookit at the puppy faceparts that are looking back at us!! The wordybits say his name is GEORGE!! That must prolly be who sended the boxalope!! Prolly!! ....................


"HI GEORGE!!" 😊💜

I like your faceparts sooperlots!! Yes!! Plus one daytimes you will have to tel me alla 'bout the BLUBBLES that are floating allover in your picturestory!! Ha ha!! Looks sooperfun for reals!! .......

Even the backparts of GEORGE's letterlope are pretty!! Let's see what is on the insideparts!!.......

Great googilymoogily!! 😜💜😜💜😜💜

That is a lotta wordybits!! I can't even hardly wait to read it all guys!! I do not have my looking goggles here just now, so let's do it togerther and stuff, K? K!! Here we go-go-go!! ....................


It says he is from the NEWORLEANSplace!! Plus that he is a pitty/staffy rescuepup!! That is amayzazing!! PLus he is telling us alla 'bout the 'mazing partytimes called MARDI GRAS!! ..........

WHOA!! 😜💜😜💜😜💜

MARDI GRAS sounds like sooperfun awesometimes, don'tchathink!!?? ME TOO!!

Plus now he is 'splaining alla the stuffs inside!! Plus at the bottomparts we get to see the names of everybuddy in his whole entire familypack!! I luvluvlove it, guys!! How 'bout you!! 

Golly!! I do not even know what to say just nowabouts, so...... let's have a real good looksee at alla the other stuffs that is in here that GEORGE was talkings 'bout in his wordybits, K? K!! 

Let's start with the soopercool wordybook!! Yes!! ................

This is a wordybook with picturestories n'vented by GEORGE's friendlypal MissLeah, guys!! It tells you alla 'bout the NEWOLEANSplace where George plus his familypack lives!! ....................

ooooOOOoooo!! 😊😊😊

You can read sooperfun facteroids plus lookit neato picturedrawings 'bout everythings you need to do brainlearning 'bout the NEWORLEANSplace!!.........

Yes!! Soopercool!! 😜💜

Right in the very middleparts is where you can do brainlearning 'bout MARDI GRAS!! ................

THE END!! 😜💜

Wowzers!! I am gonna read that one with Mum plus Pop!! Now I want to see the Neworleansplace with my very own lookingmarbles, guys!! 'Specially MARDI GRAS!! Yes!! ..........

Ha ha!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜

Yes!! Perfectal partytimes sparklehats!! One for me plus one for my Mirabelle too!! Can you tell which one is for my gigantical brainmelon!!?? Bet you can!!  Hee hee!! .....................


Treats, guys!! TREATS!! Sooperspecial ones made by GEORGE's MUM's friendlyfriends!! He says he luvluvloves them plus I can see why!!

THEY. LOOK. 'MAZING!!  .............

Plus the ingredients looks soopergood even for sensitive gentleman puppies like me!! ............

Here is what happened when me plus Mirabelle wanted to try GEORGE's sooper'mazing yummysummy treats, guys!! Yup!! Watch real close, K? K!!

We both sat real nice for Mum like gentlemans, plus ladies when ALLASUDDEN.......

CHOMP!! 😜😜😜

Mirabelle couldn't even wait!! She has way more sauce in her than manners, guys!! Ha ha!!

Anyhoozle.... they taste just as good as they look!! Yes!! Butt back to the boxalope!! ..........

GEORGE also sended a buncha the special magicalish blingery chains that everybuddy throws a 'round for MARDI GRAS, guys!! is'nt that the coolist!! IKNOW!! ..........................

ooooOOOoooo!! 😜💜

Double ooooOOOoooo, even!! This bagalope is full-up with ZOOMERSJUICE, guys!! GEORGE says it is the bestest in all of the NEWORLEANSplace!! Plus it sure looks like it too!! Mum is gonna go crazybananas for this stuff!! I can just tell for reals!! Hee hee!! ..................


That is what they call this flavourings!! It says it is part AFRICAplace, plus part LATINAMERICAPLACE!! That sounds like the coolist!! Plus I can tell you for reals it SMELLS AMAYZAZING TOO!! Yup!! 

Plus check it out, everybuddy!! I founded a interwebsnet shoppingstore where you can get some too!!

click on the lello rollytruck to visit FRENCHTRUCKCOFFEE.COM

Now me plus Mirabelle are all ready for celebrating MARDI GRAS too!! If you did not know, it happens on the TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28times pretty soon from nowabouts, guys!! Yes!! ..........


Golly!! What a 'MAZING way to start our shinynew Fridaytimes, everybuddy!! Me plus Mirabelle are sooper'cited you were here with us too!! Yes!! 

A sooperspecial shanksh to ROBINPARKER for sending us a VALENTIMES HOWDYCARD full-up with lovings after she alreadytimes sended our most favouritist cozywarm sweatershirts too!! ROBINPARKER we luvluvlove you sooperlots for reals!! Yes!! 

Plus a sooper'cited SHANKSH to our shinynew puppypal GEORGE who lives in the NEWORLEANSplace!! Plus say shanksh to your Mum plus everybuddy in your 'mazing familypack too!! Your boxalope was crazybananas soopercool and everythings!! We luvluvlove everythings inside, plus we luvluvlove you guys too!! HappyHeartHugs for YOU!! 

'Course it is not anywheres as fun to open what comes to our mailingbox if we cannot share with the bestest friendlyfriends in all of everywheres, guys!! Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface!! I AM TALKINGS 'BOUT YOU!! YES!! ALLA YOU!! 

So a sooperfun, buttwiggly goodmorningtimes to everybuddy!! 

Have a 'mazing Fridaytimes, guys!! Plus we will see you latertimes, K? K!! 
