*HAPPYSIGH* 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Hey, guys!! How is everybuddy doing and stuff!!?? Soopergood I am hoping. Mirabelle too!
Dunno 'bout you guys, butt me plus Mirabelle are all poopred out this nightynightimes!!
Yup!! Sure are!! ..........................
Butt we are sooper'cited to see your faceparts 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz basically there has been lots'nlots of hustlebustle latelytimes, so we are sooperhappy we get to meet up with you in the Dreamingplace in just littletimes and stuff!! Yes!! ..............................
Plus did you know!!?? I was sorting a gigantical pile of oldentimer picturestories liuttlebits a 'go, plus I was thinkingthoughts it would be sooperfun to share some with you!! Wanna see!!??
Okeedoke!! Then point your lookingmarbles allover THIS................
Here is a soopercool one of me, Archie Brindleton with no rainbowparts, guys!! Yup!! It is from my most favouritist burblecreek in MEDWAY VALLEY HERITAGE WOODS!!
Golly!! 'Minds me I should prolly make MORE picturestories with no rainbowparts!! Don'tchathink!!?? ME TOO!!
Or........ how 'bout THIS one!!?? .....................................
Ha ha!! It is my Mirabelly getting all sooperflatish and stuff!! Yup!! Can you bleeve it!!?? This is how Mirabelly likes to go to the Dreamingplace for crying out Pete!! I am not even joshing!! Hee hee!! 'bout THIS one, guys!!?? ......................
Truestory for reals it is from my firstest FIRE SAFETY POST 'bout being soopercareful when you are cookerating yummysummies!! Yup!! Did you 'member that MOST of the foreverhome fires 'roundabouts here are from peoples not watcherating their fireclosets close e'nuff!!?? YUP!!
Neverever turn your back onna FIRE GOBLIN, guys!! They will turn into FIRE MONSTERS sooperfast for reals!! I am not even joshing!! LOOK WHEN YOU COOK is what I'm saying!!
OH!! Or............ 'how 'bout THIS one!!?? ........................
Pretty cool, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! Not too many puppies are luckyducklings like me who get to go HORSEPEOPLES RIDING, that is for reals!! Was sorta 'fraidy, butt basically the COOLIST too!! .........
Shanksh for checking out my oldentimer picturestories, guys. Yes. 'Minds me how 'mazing it is to have friendlyfriends like YOU we can share everythings with!! You guys are the BESTEST!! 😊💜
So come meet me plus Mirabelle in the Dreamingplace 'cuz truestory for reals no joshing seriousface, we wanna make big piles of cozypile snugglesnorts with YOU!! YES!!
😊💜 Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! 💜😊
💜💜💜 See you in the Dreamingplace!! 💜💜💜
H💜 H💜 H💜