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Park Review #573:


Snort Index Rating:

2.0 SNORTS!!


  • Kinda WEIRD, guys!!

  • Butt pretty safe, though!!

  • Worstest basketballery EVER!!

  • Not so hot monkeyclimbers!!

  • VISITED on April 25, 2017 !!

This park is not so far a ‘way, guys!! Only ‘bout won half of won hourtimes or somethings like that!

It is a city-type park that is basically squarish with only won way in!! That can be soopergood for parks close to rollycar roads and stuff, butt for this park - NOT EVEN!!

Here is from when GOOGLEBOT said we went to there, guys!! Yup!! No joshing for reals!!

Plus this is what it will lookerate like from your rollycar!! Not so much is what I am sayings!! Anyhoozle …

Parkmaster General Archie Brindleton taking an important meeting with The Naturemama

Hey hidey-ho, friendlyfriends!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

Parkmaster Archie Brindleton comin’ atcha witha shinynew Park Review!! Yup!! Plus this won is …. kinds weird, guys!! For reals!! Truestory it kinda weirded me out littlebits, butt I am not even so sure how come!! So YOU GUYS have a looksee, plus tell me what YOU are thinkingthoughts, K? K!!

Firstofalls, it is a 'whole ‘nother LION’S PARK, guys!! There is lots’nlots of those!! Yup!! Prolly there is won in almostly every citytownsburg!! Prolly!! Butt this won does not have the soopercool triangularish wordysign some of them do. Facteroid is … this park does not have too much goings on anywheres!! You will see!!

When you get to here, you will see there is only won ways in onna skinny side with fencings almostly the whole way ‘cross …….

….. butt there is no safetygate on the walkingroad in, plus there are LELLO GATES made of robotparts on won side for workerman rumbletrucks or somethings that are REAL easy to go-go-go by, so … it is not as SAFE PLUS SECURE as I was hoping, guys. Nope. Butt … that is not it’s mostbiggest prollem. NOPE. not even!! …………

Anyhoozle … let’s go-go-go in where the walkingroad goes through the fencings. You will see this park sorta goes UP, guys!! You have to sorta climb to get into it!! Plus the firstest thing you will find is a CROOKED HILL (*stairs) made of concreek!! That is kinda a weird way to start a park, butt … okeedoke!! You have to climb too crooked hills to get to the firstest chunk that is……..

Prolly the waymostworstest place for basketballery I have seen in all of evertimes!! For REALS. Don’tchathink!!?? The hooptydoops are all crusty, plus the floor is broke with no lello lines onnit. Guys …. this chunk has not gotten any lovings for a WHILES. Yes. Basically it is NOT so nice for your lookingmarbles.

Butt there are some other chunks, so let’s have a looksee at those too, K? K!! ……….

There are some BENCHES FOR BUTTPARTS. Butt … they do not looks so inviting, guys. Not so much ‘cuz of crustiness and stuff.

There is swingingchairs, plus monkeyclimbers, though!! ………….

You know …. not ‘MAZING, butt pretty AOK. Plus the grassycarpet in here is real nice with losta cushiness and stuff. Yup. Plus if you go-go-go to the wayfarbackist chunks, there is a lotsa roominess for maybe some zoomers goofballery or chasing ballies or frisbeeflyings or somethings like that!! Maybe!! Have a looksee for your own selfs!! ……………

See what I am sayings!!?? Anyhoozle … when I went to here there was NOBUDDY ‘round, guys. Not even won person anywheres. Truestory that happens lots’nlots ‘cuz I go-go-go to parks when mostly everybuddy else can’t, so THAT isn’t so weird, butt guys …. the whole, entire times I was there, it sure felted like nobuddy EVER comes to this park!! IKNOW!! What are YOUR thinkingthoughts!!??


You are not even close to the worstest park I have seen in evertimes, butt you could use lotsa lovings, butt you are pretty safe from rollycars, butt alla your chunks look pretty crusty, plus there is no wet waterystuffs for cooling off undercarriages, plus you are weirding me out, so for those reasonings I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING OF …

(2 OUT OF 5 SNORTS )!!

Shanksh, everybuddy!! Hope you are having a soopernice daytimes, plus that you get to do exploradventuring too!! Yup!! So if you are feeling snoring, or if your lookingmarbles need some sunsmiles, ‘member to not forget to …


Archibald Flubberford Brindleton