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Park Review #591:


Snort Index Rating:

2.5 SNORTS!!


  • Greenygreen chunks with leafytrees!!

  • Benches for buttparts!!

  • Butt that is ‘bout it!! !!

  • Visited on Oct. 12, 2020 !!

For THIS Park Review, we are going back to the WOODSTOCKplace, guys!! Yup!! Plus that is a citytownsburg only ‘bout won half of won hourtimes a ‘way!! So no biggie is what I am sayings!!

This is what the chirpybirds see, guys!! This park is a triangularish chunk of place with a ‘fficial Parking Rodeo and everythings!! Like all the WOODSTOCKPlace parks I have seen so fars, it was sooperclean plus getting lots lovings!!

This is what you see from the insideparts of your rollycar, guys!! When you get to here!! Plus check it out!! It is 'right ‘cross the rollycar road from a whole ‘NOTHER park we reviewed called CEDAR CREEK PARK (#590)!! Yup!! ‘Member!!?? THAT park was a FIVE SNORT RESORT, so you come to check out BOTH!! IKNOW!!

Parkmaster General Archie Brindleton and his saucy assistant, Mirabelle hard at work in 2016

Hello, hello, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

It is your bestest buddypal, Archie Brindleton - who is me - a ‘gain, comin’ atcha with a shinynew Park Review!! YES!! THIS park review totally happened on the same ‘zackt daytimes as Park Review (#590), plus alsotimes Park Review (#598) that I have not even got to yet!! IKNOW!!

Basically alla the parks we sawed in the WOODSTOCKplace that daytimes were soopernice, so even though this won is just teensy, I wanted to share it with you too, K? K!! Here we go-go-GO!!

Like I was sayings, we sawed this park after Doop Dee Dooping allaways ‘round Park (#590 )- CEDAR CREEK PARK, so we are gonna start this review from over there at the OTHER side of the rollycar road!! ………..

This is totally what you can see with your very own lookingmarbles from ‘cross at CEDAR CREEK PARK’s parking rodeo, guys!! ………..

Looks like there is a starting chunk for peoples who are using their feets like us, so THAT is where we are gonna go-go-go in!! Yup!!

From THEREABOUTS, if you look to the right-paw side, you can see the PARKING RODEO real good!! ………..

Yup!! Butt not so much for checking out over thattaways!! We will check that chunk out latertimes and stuff!! Plus here is what we can see if we keep lookerating to the RIGHT-PAW side …….

There is a skinny chunk of gardenparts ‘tween the rollycar road plus the Parking Rodeo!! Yup!! Plus looks like some pretty shrubbadubs, plus maybe the ‘fficial wordysign wayfardown thattaways, butt ‘fore we go-go-go allaways down to THERE, let’s have a looksee over at the LEFT-PAW side ‘cuz ……..

… YUP!! 😊❤️

That is ‘zackly what I was thinkingthoughts I sawed, guys!! A MOLOK!! These things are in lots’nlots of parks in my Canadaplace ‘cuz wanna know why!!?? ‘Cuz they are for YUCKYGUNK COMPOSTERY, and stuff!! Yes!! The NatureMama luvluvloves MOLOKS plus COMPOSTERY, so when I see won, it puts Happy in my Heart!!

OH!! Hey!! Lookit what is just past the MOLOK, everybuddy!! …………….

Mostly this chunk is just grassycarpet with leafytrees ‘round the sides and stuff, butt I can see a picklenick table, plus benches for buttparts too!!

Did you see!!?? The teensy wordybits on the benches for buttparts say it was a giftypresent from CHARLIE TATHAM!! Butt guys … that is the name of this park!! Hm…..

I was wonderthunking WHO is Charlie Tatham butt it says he used to be in the politickling and stuff, so now I have been brainlearned!! Soopercool!! So this here park is prolly for ‘MEMBERING, plus for REFLECTORATIONAL THINKINGTHOUGHTS and stuff!! …………….

YUP!! You can totally tell ‘cuz of the teensy wordysigns on EVERYTHINGS, guys!! Even at the foots of this here leafytree!! This won is for LIBBY TATHAM!! Prolly she is the sweetie of CHARLIE TATHAM, guys!! Prolly!!

That is nice. For reals this whole entire park is for coming here to do a whole lotta not so much. You know … to take it easybreezy and stuff. Picklenicking or just doing hangout-ery with your sweetie or somethings!!

The last chunk on THIS side of the Parking Rodeo …….

…… is a chunk of grassycarpet with leafytrees alla ‘round!! It’s only teensy too, butt … STILL NICE!! Yup!!

Plus if we DOOP DEE DOOP just littlebits over thattaways to the middleparts where the Parking Rodeo starts, ……..

….. then we come out HERE, guys!! Where there is a box made of robot parts for putting garbagejunk, plus for recycleings too!! Oh!! Plus a stick with a hoop onnit for where you can tie up your cyclebike!! You know - so’s it won’t run a ‘way and stuff!!

After THAT it is the Parking Rodeo!!…………..

Yup!! With lotsa nice leafytrees behind it, guys!! Butt …. truestory not a whole lot for checking out!! Nope!!

Butt when you get to the whole OTHER side …….

There is a ‘nother box for recyclings., plus a ‘nother stick for tying up cyclebikes too!! Yup!!

Butt, guys … WAITAMINNIT!! There is alsotimes something MYSTERIOUSISH goings on!! LOOKIT!! …………

See that chunk of concreek on the left-paw side!!??

Plus can you see what is ONNIT!!?? NOTHING, GUYS!!

Not even anythings!! That is weird, amirite!!?? I am wonderthunking what is s’pposed to go THERE!!??

Maybe they forgotted to put it there!!?? Maybe it was stoled by a goober dingus!! Dunno, guys!! I am gonna do more thinkingthoughts ‘bout that!! ………..

Anyhoozle …. there is not so much else for checking out, so let’s have a real good looksee at the leafytrees plus alla the fallingdowntimes rainbowparts the NatureMama put everywheres!! It is BEAUTIFULLISH this times of year, guys!! Sure is!! ………..


Guys!! I am not leaving this park ‘till we figure out what is s’pposed to go on that chunk of concreek!! It is driving me crazybananas!! Seriousface!! So I askerated the googlebot ‘bout this park, plus was lookerating at picturestories when allasudden … outtanowheres …. WHAMMOKABLAMMO!!


YES!! With just my brainmelon!! What do YOU say is s’pposed to go on that chunk, guys!!?? Can you guesserate what it is!!??


Guys it is a …………………………………………..………


Ha ha!! I shoulda ‘KNOWED it!! You can see in this oldentimer picturestory that a teensy Poop Closet is s’pposed to go there!! Now I am wonderthunking how come it is not there anymore!!?? Maybe it got STOLED!! Maybe it just … WANDERED OFF!! That is crazybananas!!

Anyhoozle ….. nextest, we can check out the skinny chunk of gardenparts out by the rollycar road, so’s I can poserate with the ‘fficial wordysign, plus after THAT …. that is pretty much it, guys!!
Like I was sayings … pretty teensy, butt … pretty nice too!! YES!! ……..

Shanksh, park!! 😊❤️

I like that you are alla ‘bout reflectorational thinkingthoughts plus ‘membering peoples who are over the bridge and stuff!! Plus truestory you are sooperdeedooper CLEAN plus TIDEY and everythings!! Butt you are just teensy, plus have no wildertrails for Doop Dee Dooping or wet, waterystuffs for cooling off undercariages - plus your POOP CLOSET HAS DISAVANISHED FOR CRYING OUT PETE!! … So for those reasonings, I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING of ………….

(2.5 SNORTS OUT OF 5 ) !!

Shanksh, guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

Was sooperfun to share with you, plus ‘member to not forget that you can exploradventure plus solverate park-type mysteryquestions where you are too!! Yup!! Just find won you have neverever been too befores, then put on your walkingsocks, plus slurp some zoomersjuice and ….


Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,