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Park Review #571:


Snort Index Rating:

4.0 SNORTS!!


  • A big ‘ol puddlepond!!

  • With lotsa croakerfrogs!!

  • It’s a wildertrail, basically!!


  • VISITED on July 13, 2020!!

The DORCHESTERplace is just little, plus it is only ‘bout twenny minutimes from our foreverhome!!

We have been to the DORCHESTERplace a majillion times, guys!! Butt I only founded this chunk of place just the yeartimes!! CRAZYBANANAS!!

This picturestory is from the interwebsnet place called ALLTRAILS.COM!! Yup!! It is soopercool for brainlearning ‘bout wildertrails allover everywheres, guys!! If you like to DOOP DEE DOOP, maybe go check it out for your own selfs!! YES!!

Here is too more picturestories from our POPs sillyphone, guys!! Won from when we got to this park, plus the other won shows we went allaways ‘round!! You know, for proving we did it for reals when I try for a marbleworld record and stuff!!

Here is what the chirpybirds see when they look at the TRAILMELON (Trail Head - Mum), guys!! It is just past the ICYCREAM STORE called THE FROZEN COW!! Ha ha!! The funnist!! Butt there is no parking rodeo!!

This is where your rollycar will turn to get you to here!! Just look for the roundish towerparts that used to be a WORKERMILL wayfarback in oldendaystimes!!

There is little chunks of place where your rollycar can wait, butt not so much, guys!! My likeamendation is for going wayfarpast this chunk, a ways into the neighbourhood where you can find a for reals Parking Rodeo and everythings!! Lookit!! …….

Yup!! You turn into THIS teensy rollycar road!! There is an extra wordysign here now!! It looks like …

THIS!! Yup!! Waymoreeasier for finding, guys!! Plus …

Here is what the chirpybirds see when they fly over the Parking Rodeo, guys!! This chunk is called the MILL POND ECO TRAIL “DREAMLAND” for some reasonings, plus there is a grassycarpet field here, plus a picklenicking spot, plus a poop closet, plus even monkeyclimbers for juniorpeoples!! YUP!! I will show you waymorelots ‘bout that in littlebits!! Butt firstofalls ……


Archie Brindleton who is me plus my baby sisterperson Mirabelle are here for sharing a sooperspecial PARK REVIEW!! Yup!! This is a gigantical won, so get comfycozy, plus maybe grab some snacks plus somethings for slurping, ‘cuz now is when me plus Mirabelly are gonna show you allways ‘round the DORCHESTER MILL POND ECO TRAIL!

An Oasis of Peace and Tranquility

The Dorchester Mill Pond is located on Dorchester Creek, just metres away from the Thames River in the Village of Dorchester.


The pond, in a natural setting of white oak, white pine and maple, is tranquil and changes from season to season providing excellent subject matter for photographers. Visitors may wish to simply enjoy the view looking south from the dam which was reconstructed in 2005 or enjoy a quiet walk in the cool shade. The century old pond and dam provide a setting for quiet enjoyment.


The pond and surrounding area offers a diverse collection of flora and fauna. The trees, which include black cherry and white oak, offer a home to many different species of birds. Lower lying shrubs such as raspberry bushes and dogwoods support various mammals including cottontails, raccoons and white tail deer. The pond itself, which boasts beautiful yellow water lilies, is inhabited by waterfowl, turtles, bass and even some beaver - a rarity in southwestern Ontario.


Okeedoke!!For our Doop Dee Doop exploradventure with YOU, me plus Mirabelly are gonna start at where the OLDENTIMES MILL, plus the ICYCREAM STORE is, guys!! That is basically where the TRAIL MELON is, plus ‘member there is not much space for your rollycar here, butt when we went, ROCKY founded a real good spot!!

Here is what you will see if you start there, K? K!! ……………

“HI ROCKY!!” 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

So basically there is a little chunk of place where peoples like to do fishingtimes and stuff, plus you can see bits of the pond from here too, guys!! Plus at the backside of the ICYCREAM STORE, you will see a teensy poopcloset, plus a buncha sticks you have to go-go-go past to get to a walkingbridge, then to where the *TRAIL MELON is hiding!! (*Trail Melon = Trail Head - Mum) …

Here is from when you go past the sticks, guys!!


Anyhoozle, nextest is when you go over a little walkingbridge, guys!! On the right paw side is the MILL POND, plus on the left paw side is falling waters that go wayfardown to a burblecreek!! Have a looksee!! ………..

Even from just this chunk you can tell it is gonna be sooperpretty, guys!!Plus did you know!!?? My AUNTIE M likes to do KAYAKITTYYAKING in this here puddlepond someofthetimes!! Yup!! It is real peaceful and everythings!! YUP!!

So when you get ‘cross the bridgeybits, then you can find the ‘fficial TRAIL MELON, guys!! There is a wordysign wearing a hat for brainlearning you ‘bout stuff too!! ……………….

Pretty neato!! Yes!! There is some beches for buttparts, butt most importantal is this is where the ECO TRAIL strats, guys!! IKNOW!! Butt ‘fore we go-go-go, let’s have a looksee ‘cross the pond to where ROCKY is!!

Can you see him from hereabouts!!?? …………..

He is a good boy, butt he does not like waiting, guys!! He wants to take us EVERYWHERES!! Butt POP ‘splained this wildertrail is too skinny for him, so he is gonna wait right there ‘till we go-go-go allways ‘round!! …………

See that wordysign, guys!!?? It is saying to STAY ON THE WILDERTRAIL ‘cuz of shrubbadubs that will make you all itchy and burny and stuff!! Seriousface!! I have been to here a bunchatimes, plus neverever founded any, butt only ‘cuz I STAY ON THE WILDERTRAIL!! Yup!!

OKEEDOKE!! All ready!!?? All set!!?? Then let’s DOOP DEE DOOP!! ……………….

Mostly this wildertrail is pretty skinny, plus real twisty-turny, plus made out of dirt, butt there are lotsa chunks called WALKINGBOARDS made of stickybits, too!! Yup!! You will see some WALKINGBOARD chunks are crazybananas big plus go up plus down plus alover!! It’s basically soopercool, guys!! You will see!! ………

Lots of this trail is under leafytrees, so that is perfectal for stinkywarm daytimes, butt I like when you get to a chunk out in the open, so’s you can have a looksee at the puddlepond!! YES!!

OH!! I almostly forgotted!! DID YOU KNOW!!?? This trail is full-up with picturerocks for finding, guys!! Peoples make lots’nlots, plus hide them ‘long the trail like decorational ornabits!! It was not so fars a ‘long ‘till Mirabelly founded our firstest won!! ………….

Plus there was a PIRATE RED won too!! Was sooperfun!!

Truestory there is brainlearning everytimes I find a shinynew park, butt THIS part is seriousface ‘bout brainlearning, guys!! YES!! Nextofalls we founded a wordysign alla ‘bout CROAKERFROGS that live there!! YUP!! Plus we founded a whole buncha boulderocks with picturestories for brainlearning ‘bout how CROAKERFROGS get all growed up!! Check THIS out!! ……………..

C’mon, guys!! How soopercool was THAT!!?? The COOLIST, amirite!!?? Pretty much!!

Plus check out how beautifullish The NatureMama is in here!! It will ‘splode your brainmelon!! Ha ha!! ……

Pretty, amirite!!?? Plus how ‘bout how greeeeeeeeeeeeeeenmygreen that waymorelittler puddlepond was, amirite!!?? AMAYZAZING!!

OH!! That is when me plus Mirabelly founded a secret YETIFORT made of stickybits!! ……….

See what I am sayings!!?? IKNOW!! I was wonderthunking if it was made by our bestest buddypal, BJORN THE TENNIS YETI or maybe won of his friendlypals!!??

Anyhoozle, we could not find anybuddy home, so’s we kept DOOP DEE DOOPing!! Yes!! ……………

Real pretty amirite!!?? Guys … truestory for reals no joshing seriousface this is won of my most favouritist chunks of place to come for DOOP DEE DOOPing!! Yup!! Me plus Mirabelly hope you get to come to here won daytimes too!! …………..

The nextest chunk got WAYMOREDIFFERENTER than everywheres else, guys!! YUP!! WE went over some more walkingboards, butt then founded a wordyrock!! YUP!! I did not even know that was a thing, for crying out Pete!! …………


First times I sawed that, I was confusselled, guys! I did not even know what we were gonna find, so I was s’prized when we camed to this this nextest chunk!! PROLLY YOU WILL BE TOO!! Prolly!! ………….

How cool is THAT, guys!!?? Amirite!!?? You do not just go ‘ROUND this chunk - YOU GET TO DOOP DEE DOOP OVERTOP OF IT!! IKNOW!!

This was the soopercoolist chunk for reals, butt ‘member to not forget, you are out in the sunsmiles for this whole, entire chunk, so maybe put a hat on your brainmelon!! Just sayin’!!

It was also interestingal to read that wordysign on the bridge that calls this place THE DORCHESTER SWAMP!! Yes!! I have only hearded this place called the DORCHESTER MILL POND, butt … ‘fore THAT, it was just called a swamp, guys!! Butt everybuddy says it is sooper’portant to The NatureMama plus alla her babies, so “THE DORCHESTER MILL POND COMMITTEE plus THE NATIONAL COALITION OF THAMES CENTRE HAVE BEEN INSTRUMENTAL IN IMPLEMENTING PROTECTION STRATEGIES FOR DORCHESTER SWAMP”.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! Amirite!!?? ‘COURSE!!

Anyhoozle …. after that chunk, you go back into the leafytrees, plus the wildertrail gets real skinny in some chunks. This is the chunk that needs mostly alla the lovings, ‘cuz there are lots’nlots of walkingboards, plus they are getting real old and stuff!! You will see!! ……………..

Butt still sooperbeautifullish and everythings, right, guys!!?? IKNOW!!?? ‘Mazing!! After that chunk, the wildertrail gets waymorebigger a ‘gain for a bit, plus thenthe leafytrees stop, plus you will find yourselfs out in the middleparts of a big ‘ol grassycarpet field!! YUP!!

Guys …. this is where the PARKING RODEO I tolded you a ‘bout is!! Yes!! Plus where a whole differenter mini-park is hiding called the MILL POND ECO TRAIL DREAMLAND!! For reals!!

Basically it is a lotta wideopen space, with a teensy chunk next to the parking rodeo for GOOFBALLERYGROUNDS with stuffs for juiniorpeoples to do goofballery on!! There is a teensy monkeyclimber and stuff for climberating allover!! On the OTHER side is a chunk of place you can picklenick on back in the leafytrees. They builderated an insideplace floor in the outsideplace, plus put a picklenick table onnit!! Yup!! OH!! Plus there is a POOP CLOSET too!! Butt not the fancy kind!! You will see!! ……………..

Isn’t is the coolist how many differenter chunks this park has!!?? IKNOW!! Sooperwilderwild, grassycarpet fields, walkingboards, - plus walkingboards that go OVER the puddlepond, plus real skinny wildetrails, plus real big walkingroads - basically everythings!!

After THAT there is a buncha really cool walkingboards, then you go-go-go past a chunk that sorta looks like floatyboat dock where peoples love to do fishingtimes, then … then you are back where we started, guys!! ………….

SHANKSH, PARK!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

That was amayzazing!! ‘Cuz of alla the interestingal stuffs you get to see plus the brainlearning, plus the picturerock hunting, plus basically ‘cuz you are so beautifullish and stuff, I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING OF …

(4 SNORTS OUT OF 5) !!

Plus shanksh to you guys too, K? K!! That was a gigantical park review, butt I wanted to show you all the ‘mazing differenter chunks we got to see!! Maybe won daytimes you can come to here too ‘cuz I am thinkingthoughts prolly it would put Happy in your Heart!! Prolly!! Anyhoozle … ‘member to not forget how much The NatureMama plus all her babies luvluvlove you, so if you are feeling bloo or your muscles are getting dusty …


Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,