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Hi guys!! H💜H💜H💜

How is all your parts and stuff!!?? Soopergood I am hoping!! Mirabelle too!!

You know.... someofthetimes it can be real tough to keep happy in your heart when your brainmelon gets real grumpy plus full-up with mopey or 'fraidy thinkingthoughts!! Yes!! It is very seriousface, guys. So that is how come it is sooper'portant to take soopergood care of yourselfs!! Not just alla your outsideparts, butt for alla your insideparts too!! Yup!! 

Me plus Mirabelle plus Mum plus Pop want to help lots'nlots of peoples who are having troubles to feel waymorebetter, plus that is how come we wanted to be friendlypals with the CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION!! Yes!! Those guys do that kinda stuff allatimes!! Plus that is how come we went to visit CMHA MIDDLESEX right here in our city where we live!! 

Once we all got to be inthesameplacefriends, Mum made a sooperspecial picturemovie to show them how picturemovies can be 'mazing for sharing informational wordybits, plus storytimes that will punch you in the emotions!! Yes!! They can tell peoples 'bout how, plus where to go get helpings when you are feeling sickybicky in your brainmelon!! Yes!! Here is the one Mum made to give to our shinynew friendlyfriends at CMHA MIDDLESEX: 


Mum made that one with no plannery at alls, guys!! We just showed up, plus she did lotsa picturetography, then went home to make the bestest pictuemovie she could!! Truestory!!
Well, after a buncha monthtimes went by, CMHA MIDDLESEX asked Mum to make some more!! So she totally did!! She made FREE (3), guys!! Yes!! Plus CMHA just shared them with everybuddy, so I am sooper'cited to share them here with you too, K? K!! That is how come we are here next to the brickeryblocks 'cuz this is one of the places Mum plus Pop made the one called "RECOVERY"!! You will see!! 

Each picturemovie is 'bout a sooperspecial person who was having prollems, butt who got lotsa helpings from CMHA!! Now we can share them allover to help tell peoples 'bout what CMHA can do, plus to help raise dollarpennies for helping waymorelots of peoples!! YES!! 

Check them out!! 

How 'bout those sooperspecial peoples in the picturemovies!!?? Aren't they 'MAZING!!?? Iknowrite!!?? They are sooperbrave for sharing their storytimes so CMHA  can help other peoples who don't know that there is helpings waiting for them!! It is awesometimes!! 

So if you live in my Canadaplace, then maybe you can help the CMHA that is close to you!!
They sure need lots'nlots more helpings, plus dollarpennies, plus volunteerings, plus basically everythings, guys!! BUTT... if you do not live where there is a CMHA, then prolly there is a 'nother special place like CMHA that does work for Mental Healthiness where you are, so maybe go find them, plus find out how you can be their helpful helperman!! That would be AMAYZAZING!! ðŸ˜ŠðŸ’œ

'Member to not forget: It is the Holidaytimes, guys!! Yes!! The times for giving and stuff, amirite!!?? 'COURSE!! So, if you want the bestest giftypresent in all of evertimes, then GIVE JUST LITTLEBITS TO HELP PEOPLES WHO REALLY NEED SOME. You will not even bleeve how good it feels!! 

It is like I say allatimes, everybuddy: 


Shanksh, everybuddy!! Have a 'mazing Thursdaytimes, K? K!! 

For more information, click above to visit the CMHA Middlesex website. 




THURSDAY MORNINGTIMES!! (Photos and links)

THURSDAY MORNINGTIMES!! (Photos and links)