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Pssssssssssssst............ guys 😊💜.............

Be reals sooperquiet and stuff, K? K. 'Cuz for the firstest in evertimes, (seriousface) I am gonna share with you what is morningtimes traditional 'tween me plus my Pop. Yes. See... he is 'llergic to cameraboxes, so nobuddy has everever capturvated him in a picturestory for the morningtimes. 'Till right nowabouts. Truestory. 

So if everybuddy is real sooperquiet like a sneaky ninjaman, then I will share with you what me plus Pop do almostly every morningtimes, K? K. 

K. Skootch in real close 'cuz here we GO-GO-GO................

Normaltimes I go to the dreamingplace near Pop's feets. Yes. Butt in the morningtimes, 'fore he is wakeywakey, I like to move real careful-like up to his faceparts.

You know....... so's he can reach my buttparts soopereasy 😊.................. 

Someofthetimes I will Plop on his faceparts, or maybe his neckparts, or maybe even his shoulderparts, butt for THIS morningtimes I have skootched in real snuggly to his brainmelon. It is going PERFECTAL. You will see...................

Thisaways we get soopercozywarm, guys. Yes. So cozywarm that someofthetimes Pop can't even breathe real good.

Butt I do not even mind. Nope.......................

Anyhoozle, Lotsa peoples have thinkingthoughts that big'nburly gentlemans like us don't make cozypiles onna 'count of us being so big'nburly and stuff, butt not even, guys. ........................

Truestory Pop is one of the bestest at making cozypiles plus giving me plus Mirabelle lots'nlots of HappyHeart lovings. I am not even joshing. Just mostofthetimes peoples neverever SEE IT onna 'count of Pop being 'llergic to cameraboxes. Plus picturestories. Plus...peoples.
'Cuz he is part yetiperson if you did not know. Yup.

That is how come his legparts are all hairy, butt Mum's legparts are soopersmooth. Truestory.............. 

Okeedoke. So fars, so soopergood, guys. 

Now is the part for getting Pop to come back from the Dreamingplace. Someofthetimes I will snork on his faceparts, or push my feets in his faceparts, or toot my bumtrumpet, or cover the breathing holes in his smellerator 'till he wakes up. Someofthetimes I do ALLA that stuff.............

💜😊"Goodmorningtimes, Pop. I luvluvlove you and stuff!!" ðŸ˜ŠðŸ’œ

Okeedoke, everybuddy....THIS IS THE BESTEST PART!! 

Pop knows I luvluvLOVE BUTTRUBBINGS!! YES!! They are the BESTEST!! Plus they only work real good when it is the morningtimes!! That is just science!! If it is not morningtimes, I do not even want buttrubbings. That is just crazybananas!! 

*RUB*  *RUB*  *RUB*  *RUB*  *RUB*  *RUB*

"MMMMMMMMMMMM........................BUTTRUBBINGS" 😊💜😊💜😊💜...................

A 'nother sooperfun thing only me plus Pop do is THIS, guys!! 

Pop will show me his handyfeets. Yes. Butt not rub my buttparts with them YET.
Nope. He will hold them OVER my buttparts, just so's I can see he is GONNA rub my buttparts, butt that he has not rubbed my buttparts JUST YET. Yes. Hee hee!! This gets me sooper'cited, so someofthetimes, I will benderate alla my bodyparts in half, so I can watch when he starts to rub my buttparts!!

It is just somethings we do, guys. Plus it is THE BESTEST!! ..................


Now Pop is gonna give me my morningtimes BODYMASSAGE. Yes. He likes to do my LOVINGBOLT firstest. If you did not know this part of my burlyman chest area is called a LOVINGBOLT onna 'count it looks sorta like a lightening-type bolt, butt it is over my HappyHeart!! Yup!! So..... LOVINGBOLT!! ðŸ˜Š

This is sooperhigh quality Pop plus Puppyson times, guys. Yes. Pop is filling my Heart with Happy so's I will have lots'nlots and stuff so's I can share with other peoples like YOU!!...............

Plus for the LASTEST part, I like to rollover allaways so's Pop can rub my bellyparts too. Yup. That is alsotimes science. 

Then for the very endery, he will give me a burlyman smootch 'fore he goes to start builderating our breakfastimes yummysummies. He is a soopernice guy that Pop. Yup. Prolly the nicest, even. 

So what I am saying to you is..... you should try morningtimes buttrubbings with somebuddy who has lovings for YOU!! It is the bestest, guys!! Plus truestory for reals it will help keep your Heart full-up with Happy too!! Promiseface!! Just plop on top real close to their faceparts, then show them your buttparts, then wake them up with snorking or making blusterpuffs into their faceparts, butt don't try my bumtrumpet trick 'till you are an advanced beginner, guys. Just sayin' ....................................

Okeedoke!! So now is the times for YOUR TURN GUYS!! Go get some buttrubbings!! YES!! 

Oh!! Plus happyHappyThursdaytimes too!! Yup!! 

Plus if I forgot to 'member....Me plus Mirabelle........

💜💜💜 luvluvLOVE you guys!! 💜💜💜

H💜 H💜 H💜