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Hi guys!! *BUTTWIGGLE* ðŸ˜ŠðŸ˜ŠðŸ˜Š 

It is sooper'citing to see your faceparts this morningtimes!! Truestory 'cuz wanna know why!!?? 'Cuz now is the times for sharing picturestories of our shinynew gardenparts!! IKNOW!! .............

Okeedoke!! Everybuddy in our whole, entire buildinghouse has been waiting for basically EVERTIMES to see our gardenparts get rebuilderated waymorebigger, plus waymore beautifullish that ever befores!! Yup!! ..............................

Plus the whole, entire thing was n'vented, plus builderated by NICOLA'S GARDEN ART, guys!! Yes!! She did a 'mazing job, plus so did her workermans!! For reals!! Wanna have a looksee!!?? 

Okeedoke!! Firstofalls I am gonna start with picturestories from Monday morningtimes when they were just at the startingparts, K? K!! Here we GO-GO-GO!! ........................... 

Everybuddy got the buttwiggles soon as they saw the teensy traveltrays full-up with shrubbadubs, guys!! Sure did!! ...........................

There was a whole bunch allover everywheres!! Plus leafytrees, guys!! LEAFYTREES!! 

We saw the picturedrawings longtimes a 'go, butt it is waymoredifferenter to see the leafytrees move in 'cuz they are not FLATTISH, like in the picturedrawing!! ..............................

Those are the workermans, guys!! In the GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEN sweatershirts!! Yes!! ...................

The gardenparts are waymorebigger now, guys!! Yes!! Used to be there was just skinny ones hugging our buildinghouse, butt not anymores!! Nope!! Not even!! ..................................

OH!! Plus here is the picturedrawing NICOLA made so's her workermans know what they are builderating!! Pretty cool, amirite!!?? Pretty much!! ...................................

More leafytrees are moving in, guys!! LEAFYTREES!! Yes!! ............................

Did you know!!?? With gardenparts this gigantical, now there is waymoreless grassycarpets to give haircuts too!! Awesometimes!!

Plus... see that squarish thing on the bottom right-paw side!!?? That box is for workermans to get to our lighteningwires or somethings, plus it is gross-looking, guys!! Everybuddy keeps bonking it with the mowerbot!! Butt NOWABOUTS we can hide it, plus keep it soopersafe too! ...........................

Okeedoke!! Now let's have a real good looksee after it was all done and stuff, K? K!! .......................

Here is MISS LISA putting the sprinklesquirter out to get alla our shinynew gardenparts all soakered and stuff!! Yup!!

NICOLA says you gotta keep their bellies full-up for a whiles 'till they get all comfy and stuff!! ........

'Course they are all just teensy 'cuz they are juniorflowerposies, plus juniorshrubbadubs and stuff, butt they will get waymorebigger pretty sooperfast, guys!! ............................

Plus just so's you know, this is just the FIRSTEST PART!! Seriousface!!

Builderating gardenparts like this takes dollarpennies, so now everybuddy is gonna save up a 'gain, so's NEXT YEARTIMES we can add even MORETHERS!! Yes!! .....................................

I like alla the chippybits too!! Yes!! Did you know!!?? We got a whole buncha that same 'zack stuffs for our 'roundthebackyard gardenparts too!! Sure did!! So's now they MATCH real good!! ......

Everybuddy is all silly with 'citement, plus we can't even hardly wait to see how big'nburly everything grows!! It is gonna be 'MAZING!! .........................

Even wayfarback down THIS side will be full-up with GREEEEEEEEEEEEN shrubbadubs so's our neighbourpals have nice leafygreens for looking at too!! IKNOW!! ...................

Whatcha thinkingthoughts, guys!!?? Do you like our shinynew gardenparts!!?? Sure hope so!! Plus know what ELSE you will maybe like!!?? 

Check out what POP has been builderating in our 'roundthebackyard!! It is 'MAZING!! ....................

Can you see!!?? CAN YOU!!?? 

Pop put up eleventy jillion sparklelights, guys!! That go zig-zaggery back plus forth 'cross our whole, entire 'roundthebackyard!! IKNOW!! This is where everybuddy is gonna sit to eat yummysummies at Mum plus Pop's WEDDINGTIMES HITCHERY, so it is gonna look magicalish!! 

There was rainingdrops last nightynightimes, or I woulda made picturestories of what they look like all sparkly at nightynightimes!! Butt I will do it soon as I can for sharing, K? K!! ........................

ooooOOOOooo!! Guys!! Close your eyevelopes, plus pretenderate it is times for Mum plus Pops weddingtimes hitchery!! YES!! 

Can you SEE it!!?? Can you SEE the magicalishness!!?? I CAN!! Hee hee!! ...............................


There is still lotsa stuffs goings on to get ready for Mum plus Pop's Weddingtimes Hitchery, guys!! It is not even bleevable!! So much yummysummies to make, plus wooden hills with benches for buttparts so's everybuddy can sit together, plus the most importantal part of all......

🎂🎂🎂 CAKE!! ðŸŽ‚🎂🎂

There is gonna be CAKE, for crying out Pete!! Truestory for reals I can't even hardly wait!!
Butt I will tell you what happens next latertimes, K? K!! 

HappyMerryTuesdaytimes, everybuddy!! Hope you have a sooperfun daytimes, plus promiseface, we will see you for the Nightynightimes with more picturestories for sharing!! Yes!! 

💜💜💜 Luvluvlove you guys!! ðŸ’œðŸ’œðŸ’œ

H💜 H💜 H💜