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  • Next to a ROBOT BRIDGE!!

  • Lotsa rollycars plus floatyboats!!

  • Pretty flowerposies!!

  • Benches for buttparts!!

  • Nice for picklenicking!!

  • VISITED on April 12, 2018!!



Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada

Snort Index Rating:

2.0 SNORTS!!

This park is ‘couple of citytownsburgs a ‘way, guys!! Right next to a gigantical puddlepond called LAKE ERIE!!

It is where the RED DOT is, guys!! Real close to a sooperspecial BRIDGE that is a for reals robot!! Truestory!!

Here is what you can see from your rollycar!! SEE!!?? See the ROBOT BRIDGE!!?? IKNOW!!

I almostly was thinkingthoughts this park did not have a wordysign, butt … NOPE!! It is just hiding in the shrubbadubs!! Silly park!!

Hey Hidey-ho, friendlyfriends!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

Parkmaster General Archie Brindleton who is me is back with a ‘nother shinynew Park Review!! Yup!! Me plus Mirabelly founded this won wayfarback in the 2018times, guys!! Yup!! Butt now is when I get to share it with YOU, so skootch on in!!

This park is called GLOVER PARK, guys!! Plus it is inna special little citytownsburg called PORT STANLEY!!
Yes. You guys know what a PORT is, amirite!!?? That is basically A PARK FOR FLOATYBOATS!! IKNOW!! Sooperfun!! This citytownsburg is sooperfamous ‘round where me plus Mirabelly live ‘cuz of a sandybeach everybuddy luvluvloves to go to when it is stinkywarm. ‘Cept for puppies!! PUPPIES ARE NOT A ‘LLOWED FOR CRYING OUT PETE!! Butt that is a whole ‘nother storytimes!!

Anyhoozle PORT STANLEY hasa buncha stuffs people luvluvlove to come visit like the oldentimer rumbletrain rides, the theatrehouse for putting on shows, plus the ROBOTBRIDGE!! Yup!! It is the coolest, plus it is right next to this park!! Seriousface!! Even waymorebetter is the facteroid the theatrehouse is right next to this park too!! IKNOW!! ………………….

So this is what GLOVER PARK pretty much looks like, guys!! It is a eensy chunk of place ‘tween the theatrehouse, plus the robot bridge. There is neato ROUNDISH benches for buttparts, plus regular-type benches for buttparts, plus a buncha pretty shrubbadubs, plus flowerposies, plus you can sit to watch all the floatyboats coming plus going!! That makes it real nice for picklenicking!! YES!! Butt … not so great for puppies ‘cuz it is REAL close to lotsa rollycars plus ‘cuz there is no grassycarpet or shadybits or basically anythings for puppies to do!! Just sayin’!!

There is a ‘couple things for checking out though!! Like the LION WORDYSIGN we have founded in lotsa parks!! ………

This means this park gets lotsa lovings from the local LION’S CLUB, guys!! Butt I checked and there is NO LIONS IN THIS CLUB EITHER!! IKNOW!! Crazybananas.amirite!!?? Butt … they are still soopernice in that club. OH!! Plus I asked the googlebot who this park was named after, plus I founded THIS:

'Glover Park is named after Ernie Glover (1898-1988), owner and manager of the well known Finlay Bed and Storage Company. Mr. Glover dreamed of a park where people could sit and watch the activity in the busy harbour, donating a sum of money to the village of Port Stanley so that the park could be established and his dream could come true'.

That is a nice storytimes, don’tchathink!!?? ME TOO!! Now truestory when me plus Mirabelly went, we did not plan on finding this here park, so we could not stay long or make lotsa picturestories, butt … I founded some more picturestories on the PORT STANLEY interwebsnet page that is nice for looking at too!! Check THESE out!! ………..

Cool and stuff, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! PORT STANLEY has been doing lots’nlots of fixerational constructionings latelytimes, so I am not so sure the robot bridge is working for rollycars just nowabouts, butt when they are done, this whole chunk of place is gonna look ‘MAZING!! YES!! They have been doing so much workerman work for making their little citytownsburg waymorebeautifullish, so I can’t even hardly wait to go-go-go back to have a looksee!!

OH!! ‘Cuz EVERYBUDDY luvluvloves the robot bridge, here is some informational wordybits for brainlearning alla ‘bout it!! ……………

The King George VI lift bridge is one of the icons of Port Stanley, located (as you might expect) on Bridge St., in the centre of town. It is the oldest lift bridge in Ontario. According to the Port Stanley Heritage walking tour, the bridge is a bascule bridge (from the french for balance scale) which is so finely counterbalanced that in the event of an emergency it can be raised and lowered manually. In the summer the bridge opens every half hour, giving boats access between Lake Erie and Kettle Creek.

Isn’t that the COOLIST!!?? Guys!! It is a robot bridge that every half hourtimes will WAVE ITS HANDS IN THE AIR LIKE IT JUST DON’T CARE!! Ha ha!! Sooperfun!!

Oh. Just so’s you know … those picturestories are from the ‘fficial PORT STANLEY interwebspage too, guys!! Yes!! Plus you can brainlearn alla ‘bout PORT STANLEY onnit, so if you are curious ‘bout go-go-going to visit, have a looksee at …



Was sooperfun to find you, plus to have a real good looksee at everythings where you are!! Truestory there was not much for doing in you very own chunk of place, plus ‘cuz there is lots’nlots of busy rollycars, plus no shadybits or grassycarpet, I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING OF …

(2 OUT OF 5 SNORTS )!!

Butt … no joshing you have the coolest neighbourpals (A ROBOT BRIDGE FOR CRYING OUT PETE!!), plus it is sooperfun to watcherate everybuddy coming plus going allover everywheres - FLOATYBOATS TOO!! Yup!!

Shanksh, guys!! We are getting waymorecloser to (* 600 Park Reviews!!), plus that gigantical number is comin’ up sooperfast, so keep checking back pretty much every daytimes for a shinynew won, K? K!! I am gonna get to that number with all your special helpings ‘fast as I can so’s I can try for a MARBLEWORLD RECORD!! YUP!!

Plus ‘member to not forget that DOOP DEE DOOP exploradventuring like me plus Mirabelle do is sooperfun, plus soopergood for alla your parts, so …


Archibald Flubberford Brindleton
Parkmaster General of Canada