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NO RAINBOWPARTS: Me watching juniorpeoples in the Meadowlilly Woods!!

Hi guys!! Now is the times for some more soopercool PICTURESTORIES WITH NO RAINBOWPARTS!! Yup!! Thhis times I was exploradventuring in Meadowlilly Woods, hanging out with my bestest friendlypal, MisterRiver when ALLASUDDEN... a whole buncha juniorpeoples went by!! Yup!! Like a whole pack of them and everythings!! So basically I said "HI!!" plus Mirabelle put on her barkyface, plus then we made these neato picturestories!! You will see!! .....

Yup. There I was, guys. Just minding my own beeswax when ALLASUDDEN.... I heard scrunch feets up on the shoulderhill!! Yes!! .............

'Course I ponted my lookingmarbles up to see and know what!!?? I saw a big pile of juniorpeoples exploradventuring too!! Truestory!! ............

I don't even think they have seen a professional-type Parkmaster Frenchie like me befores, so they got sooper'cited!! Me too, butt I had more poserating to do, so mostly it was Mirabelle who got all 'cited!! 😊 .............

This is my most favoritist one, guys!! Pretty sooperneato with the sunsmiles and stuff, amirite!!?? Prolly!! 

Shanksh for checking out this episode of PICTURESTORIES WITH NO RAINBOWPARTS, everybuddy!! Lotsa lovings for you plus... SEE YOU LATERTIMES!! 😊😊😊

Buster Fancypants

BACKFLASH: Best of Mirabelle's FaceBops!!